29 March 2025

Caritas Naxos-Tinos

“The house of the poor” was the first attempt to organize a single body for the implementation of the charity work of the local Catholic Church; it dates back to 1964. The unification of the parish charitable funds and the various associations, established in the community’s conscience the concept of benefits for people with disabilities, for widows and orphans, the facilitation of young people for a specialized education, according to European standards, but also the allocation of funds for the compensation of property damage in natural disasters.

The 1980s was a period of reorganization at a national and international level with the renaming of the organization to “Caritas Naxos-Tinos” (it includes Naxos, Tinos, Paros, Andros and Mykonos islands), and its inclusion in the national network of Caritas Hellas (1981), with expanded capabilities and objectives.

Since 2014, Caritas Naxos-Tinos implements numerous and innovative actions, while since May 2017 it is a certified provider of non-profit Social Care services.

Areas of action include:

-Clothing & Household Equipment Sector

In addition to the needs it covers at a local level, it also significantly strengthens organizations outside Tinos (Caritas Athens, Caritas Thessaloniki, Caritas Patras, the Sisters Missionaries of Charity, Homeless’ Center of the Municipality of Athens, Homeless’ Hostel of the NGO “Klimaka”, “The Smile of the Child” etc.)

-Food Sector

This action has been implemented since 2007 with the aim of strengthening Caritas Athens’ Refugee Program and the Sisters Missionaries of Charity, who face the great challenge of offering daily meals to our needy fellow citizens.

-Listening Center

Since March 2016, with the financial support of Caritas Reggio Calabria, a “Listening Center

-Counseling Center” operates, staffed by a specialized mental health professional, which provides psychological support, guidance and referral of people in need.

-Emergency Sector

The need to care for refugees stranded on the islands, the occasional natural disasters that struck the country (earthquakes, fires, floods, etc.) and the unimpeded transfer of patients from Tinos’ Health Center to the Hospital of Syros or to hospitals in Athens were the reason for the collection and storage of basic emergency equipment offered to those who need help (e.g. blankets, sheets, towels, personal hygiene items, etc.).

-“I love and I offer”

The implementation of the program that started in January 2016 and was completed in March 2018 was co-financed by Stavros Niarchos Foundation.

It has significantly helped to reduce the negative impact of poverty on destitute and socially disadvantaged families, to fight poverty by providing monthly basic necessities (provision of fresh food and medicines or payment of utility bills). At the same time, it provided moral, emotional and spiritual support to beneficiaries through mental health professionals and social scientists.


In collaboration with the other social partners of the relevant partnership, it participates in the distribution of goods of the state food aid program TEVA in Tinos.

-Pupils’ breakfast

Acknowledging that the financial crisis has affected several families even on the islands, Caritas Naxos-Tinos applied for and joined pilot programs aimed at children and young people. Caritas Europe’s program “Pupils’ Breakfast” which Caritas Naxos-Tinos joined, has ensured since school year 2015-2016 that a daily snack (breakfast) is provided to a certain number of high school pupils of Tinos whose families lack financial resources.

-Support visits

Volunteers offer companionship, moral and spiritual support to a large number of elderly and lonely people and people with disabilities through home visits or provide patient accompaniment at the Tinos Health Center or Syros General Hospital.

– «Serviam Café»

A beautiful cultural center of Caritas Naxos-Tinos has been operating since July 2021 in the iconic Monastery and School of the Ursulines in Loutra, Tinos, which was warmly embraced by locals and visitors of the island.

The purpose of its establishment is the use of these historic buildings, the creation of job openings and a positive economic balance, so that the income can cover the livelihood or health needs of people in the islands where Caritas Naxos-Tinos is present.

– Twinning

The twinning program between local Greek and Italian Caritas started at the initiative of the Italian Caritas at the urging of the Pope, in 2014, in order to strengthen families and local charities of the Catholic Church in our country, in the midst of economic crisis. It offers participation in social programs for family support, agricultural development, training, subsidized work, social-pastoral animation, volunteer camps, organization of conferences and solidarity holidays, exchanging visits of young people, etc.