7 March 2025

Caritas Syros

Caritas Syros started operating in 1981 and continues its work, uninterruptedly, thanks to the help of its volunteers and donors.

Its actions include:

-Collection and distribution of clothing, food, furniture and household equipment. More than 2,500 people benefit annually.

-Provision of hospital beds, wheelchairs, hospitality to patient attendants from other islands, etc.

-Payment of medicines to 120 beneficiaries

-Monthly food distribution to about 70 families

-Financial support to institutions, organizations and vulnerable individuals, such as: patients, or people facing financial problems (payment of electricity or water bills), Caritas Athens Refugee Program, the inmates of Chios prisons, people affected by natural disasters etc.

The local Orthodox Church and state bodies contribute to the fulfillment of this mission, as well as the organization of bazaars, individual financial donations and the collection of rents.